King of the Beasts
Hadedas Ibis ...or possible a Hamerkop
Lesser Masked Weaver Bird weaving
Pied Kingfishers
A Lotus Flower
Red Billed Hornbill
African Sunset …complete with sunspots
Oxpecker on a Hippo
Up close and personal
An evening nap
Hadeda Ibis
Me and My Big Mouth
Hippo Central
Please leave!
Fish Eagle
Takeaway Food
Takeaway Food
A cooling drink
As I went down to the river to ….
Leopard at rest
Warthog and young
Swain's Francolin
Big Foot
Lilac Breasted Roller
White Faced Owl
Little Bee Eater
Mother and Son Feeding
Saddle Billed Stork at lunch
Wait your Turn!
The family that preys together…
In at the kill... watched over by a bee-eater
A Waterbuck Family
Grey Hooded Kingfisher
Leopard Cub
Carmine and White-Throated Bee-Eaters
Carmine Bee-Eater
Mother and Daughter
White Throated Bee Eater
Just chilling
The Apple of his Mother's Eye